YouTube Easter Eggs 2021

If you don’t know let us tell you that YouTube has some cool hidden fun tricks which we called YouTube easter eggs. Almost all of us know that YouTube is the most popular video sharing site and the second largest search engine on the web. Also, some extraordinary people on this planet think out of the box and create some cool things.

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What are YouTube Easter Eggs?

Easter eggs are hidden secret tricks or stuffs present on YouTube. These hidden fun tricks are not visible in the user interface, and you have to know the exact steps to reveal them.

Let’s explore them…

Hidden Dog

This trick works in YouTube Smart TVs. Go to the stream bar, fast forward the video long enough to the end and hold. You’ll see a dog will come from the left of the screen. You can watch it here.

YouTube Easter Eggs Dog

301 Views Video

If you type “301 video” in the YouTube search bar, the first video will be permanently stuck on 301 views which refers to old YouTube bug.

301 Views Video

When Numberphile YouTube channel upload fresh video titled “Why do YouTube views freeze at 301?“, the view counter stuck on 301 views for the first couple of hours after uploading.

301 video YouTube Easter Egg

Seinfeld Without People

Type “seinfeld without people” in the YouTube search bar, you will find a video without a Title and Description in the search results. When you click to play, this video has no Title and Description.

Seinfeld Without People

The more interesting fact is that the video has some blank comments as well.

Seinfeld Without People

Awesome – YouTube Easter Eggs

While you are watching a video, type on your keyboard “AWESOME” (not in search box and comments) and you will see the video buffering bar will change its appearance.

YouTube Awesome Easter Egg


There is a little message from YouTube team if you type “robots.txt” at the end of the YouTube domain name. Here is an example ““.

YouTube Robots Txt Easter Egg

Web Driver Torso

Web Driver Torso is a YouTube Channel, established on 5th July 2013. The channel has 160K subscribers and more than 620K videos till now. This channel uploaded random videos with blue and red rectangles.

The last video was uploaded on Oct 31, 2019.

Web Driver Torso

Do the Harlem Shake – Not Working

When you type “do the harlem shake” in the YouTube search bar and hit enter, the song will play in the background and videos was start shaking. It was the fantastic YouTube easter egg, which does not exist now. If you would like to enjoy ” Do the Harlem Shake” YouTube effect check out the video below.

Did YouTube remove Do the Harlem Shake Easter Egg?

Yes, do the harlem shake easter egg is no longer working now. YouTube developers put this stuff to provide some fun to the users. Also, they are continuously working to make YouTube better for users.

Use the Force Luke – Not Working

Type “use the force luke” in the YouTube search bar, and it will give a wavy effect. You can move the whole content, i.e. video, video title, description and everything on the page around the screen with the force of your pc mouse. Unfortunately, this trick is not working now, but you check the video given below.

Geek Week Look

It will turn your page into a great retro look. You have to type “/geek week” in the search bar for this effect. This effect is one of the coolest easter eggs YouTube released on its first geek week. It was an event dedicated to highlighting geek culture.

YouTube Easter Eggs Geek Week

Doge Meme – Not Working

When you type “doge meme” in the YouTube search bar and hit the enter button, the entire search result page content was appearing in the multicolour and comic sans fonts. Check the screenshot below.

YouTube Doge Meme Easter Eggs

Beam me up Scotty – Not Working

It was another cool YouTube effect in the list of YouTube easter eggs. YouTube gives the classic Star Trek by beaming the videos on the search result page when you type “beam me up scotty” in the search bar.

I hope you enjoyed the above YouTube easter eggs. I know, I missed some YouTube secrets but they do not exist now. Please let me know in the comment below if any YouTube easter eggs in working in this year.

Read more: YouTube Statistics – YouTube by numbers, Stats, Demographics and Fun Facts